You don’t think twice to lock your doors, look both ways before crossing the street, or turn off your electronics when you’re not home. So why is it that so many of us are one disaster away from a financial catastrophe? That’s where a “Safety Net” comes in. By definition, a safety net is a term used by financial planners to describe a number of different things you should have to protect your family and your finances. But a safety net should be much more than just a few extra thousand bucks you’ve got saved in case aliens take over the world. A TRUE safety net could encompass a whole lot more. Here are a few ingredients you’ll need in your Safety Net. … [Read more...] about What Should Be in Your Safety Net?
Book Review: “Your Money Ratios: 8 Simple Tools for Financial Security at Every Stage in Life” by Charles Farrell
Click the image to visit Amazon.comMost financial books tell you come up with a retirement goal and to save towards it. Period. But have you ever wondered if you were on the right track? At 30, how much should I have saved for retirement? What about 40, 50, etc? What about debt, savings, etc.? Where do I stack up against my peers? … [Read more...] about Book Review: “Your Money Ratios: 8 Simple Tools for Financial Security at Every Stage in Life” by Charles Farrell