As much as I like to talk about saving and investing, the most lucrative way I’ve found to improve your overall financial situation is to simply earn more money. While making a side income might be an impossible task for some, I’m here to show you that it is in fact possible if you put your mind to it. Especially if you’re a blogger (like me) or even thinking about starting your own website, then you’ve got a wealth of opportunity sitting right in front of you. You just have to be willing to be an entrepreneur and work your way at it. This month my collection of niche websites took me by surprise in terms of earnings. I had a huge bump in revenue – and from a place I never expected (but warmly welcome)! Here’s what I’ve been up … [Read more...] about Niche Website Update 22 – $1,203 in Income – Exploding Success with ClickBank!
niche site
Niche Website Update 21 – Getting Interested Again in Affiliate Marketing – Plus $853 in Income
Its official – summer is over. The kids are back in school, the pool is closed, and I’m scheduling the sprinkler system to be winterized. In terms of my online business, that also means that I’m running out of time to hit the goals I had set with my niche websites before 2014 comes to a close. Personally I feel like each of my websites has got a LONG, LONG ways to go. Which can be both a fun and creative thing. I’m not just talking in terms of making money. I also mean in developmental things like content, SEO, traffic, etc. Those are the kinds of activities that I believe will ultimately bring in the money if you do them right for the long run. … even if no one wants to help you get those activities done (a funny story about … [Read more...] about Niche Website Update 21 – Getting Interested Again in Affiliate Marketing – Plus $853 in Income
Niche Website Update 20 – Copying My Competition – Plus $1,226 in Income
When you’re like me and depending on your hobby of blogging to supplement your income, you start to take a very active interest in how exactly you can do things better. Why? Because better = more money! That’s exactly what I’ve been up to this month – trying to figure out creative ways how to do things better. Though I’ll get into more detail about it below, I’m confident that the things I’m doing will have long lasting positive benefits on my niche websites. Even though I declared in my last Niche Website Update that I wasn’t going to invest much more effort into my latest niche site #4 (which I call NS4), ironically that’s the one that I’ve been working on the most when it comes to “experimenting” with a few new … [Read more...] about Niche Website Update 20 – Copying My Competition – Plus $1,226 in Income
Niche Website Update 19 – Using the 80-20 Rule to Adjust My Priorities – Plus $1,295 in Income
Before we get to the latest developments with my side-income generating efforts using my niche website portfolio (and what a great month it was), I wanted to pause for a minute and have everyone try a short exercise I used this month. I was on vacation recently when I had a moment of clarity and decide to try out this little exercise. It’s amazing how much your perspective on things can change when you’re physically in a new location and removed from the everyday grindstone of your normal routine. Here is the exercise I tried: Take a pen and paper and on the left side begin jotting down a list of all the things you or your virtual assistant work on every week to make your niche sites or blog money. Now add some kind of monthly … [Read more...] about Niche Website Update 19 – Using the 80-20 Rule to Adjust My Priorities – Plus $1,295 in Income
Niche Website Update 10 – NS3 is a Failure (So Far) and I’m Glad
When last we left in Update 9, I announced at the end of the post that I had just launched a brand new niche website. This one was going to micro-niche site meaning that it will have less than 10 pages of content. I've read a number of stories now about people who have created such sites and been able to make $100 or so per month from them. Plus 10 pages of content is extremely easy to create, upload, and then build links back to. Seems like a sure-thing, right? And so how’s that going? Terrible! … and I’m happy with that. Yeah, you read that correctly. I’m okay with NS3 performing terribly (for now) because I'm still getting a lot of value out the experiment. Here are the reasons why and what I plan to do about it: … [Read more...] about Niche Website Update 10 – NS3 is a Failure (So Far) and I’m Glad
Niche Website Update 9 – Criticisms of My Second Niche Site
I’m pleased to inform everyone that things are still going pretty well for my small niche website portfolio. To quickly recap my last update, I had just revealed my second niche site launch (called NS2), provided a full run-down of all the activities and links I built to it, and then gladly reported that it was already ranking No. 4 in the Google search results for the exact match keyword. Well, another month has passed and I have some more developments to share. First I am going to compare NS2 to the achievements of my first niche site (NS1), and then give some critiques for both. And if you stick around long enough, I’ve also got another surprise for you... … [Read more...] about Niche Website Update 9 – Criticisms of My Second Niche Site
How to Make Money with a Website and Why Most Personal Finance Sites Don’t
MMD - Today we are very honored to be featuring a guest contribution from successful niche website creator Jon Haver. Jon's posts and ideas have recently been featured on a number of niche site blogs including a podcast interview on Niche Pursuits. If you're wondering right now how to make money with a website or why your's isn't doing as well as you hope, then you really need to hear Jon's story! Here it is: It wasn’t long ago (1 year ago) where I thought making $3k/month from 1 personal finance website I worked on part time would be too hard to achieve. I had always enjoyed reading personal finance sites and had been making smaller niche websites for a while but my plan was to combine these passions and make a larger website … [Read more...] about How to Make Money with a Website and Why Most Personal Finance Sites Don’t
Niche Website Update 8 – NS2 on the First Page Search Results Already!
I’ve got some terrific news: My new niche website (NS2) is currently ranking on the first page of Google at #4 for my main target keyword! Believe it or not, this comes as a great accomplishment to me because it means that all the tricks and things I learned through the first niche site do in fact work! This is also very exciting news to me because if I consider how much my first niche site (NS1) makes in terms of a modest residual income every month from the advertising, I now just DOUBLED my income potential! Can you imagine how much money I could be making after experiencing success with perhaps 5 of these types of sites? The possibilities are endless! … [Read more...] about Niche Website Update 8 – NS2 on the First Page Search Results Already!