• E-Commerce
• Understanding Search Engines
• Online Advertising
• Improving you Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• Using affiliate marketing
• Owning marketable domain names
• Creating valuable content
• Taking advantage of social networks
• Setting up payment processing
• Marketing for mobile phones
• Using Internet videos
• Partnering with non-profits
The profiles of Internet entrepreneurs and testimonials throughout this book are outstanding. There are stories about people making tons of cash using eBay techniques, selling their own products with ClickBank, selling other peoples’ products with ClickBank, and making a killing using affiliate marketing. Even if you’ve ever considered having an eBusiness or creating some type of passive income stream using the Internet, you’ll definitely find this material to be very inspiring and helpful.
The real benefit of this book is if you already have a blog or are selling an eProduct. Ostrofsky covers a dozen different topics that can improve your performance such as how search engines work, techniques for SEO, which affiliate advertising companies are the best to partner with, and how adding mobile accessibility or videos can improve your visibility.
Not looking to start any kind of eBusiness or blog? Just jump straight to Chapter 15 where Ostrofsky shares his collection of money saving websites and tips.
Overall, this book was pretty good. However, a criticism I do have is that Ostrofsky tends to overuse his platform for what comes across at times as an infomercial for his own products. For example, in Chapter 8 during his attempt to teach us about how creative domain names can be purchased and held until a corporate sponsor purchases them, he shamelessly promotes ones that he is trying to sell such as “mutualfunds.com”, “etickets.com”, and “APPortunity.com” (yes, the last one is a word he made up).
The tone that Ostrofsky uses has a “Problogger” or “The Six-Figure Second Income”.
All in all, the examples and prospects from the entrepreneurs and testimonials of wealth are fascinating and certainly grab your attention. Whether you read this book for the motivation or for the lists of research and resources, it would be worth the time. If you could even put into practice a fraction of Ostrofsky’s advice, I’m sure the effort would be well worth the return.
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